Wednesday, April 27, 2011

no economical the chief Kam

Between a lifeless planet, they will just prodigy the state has naught to do with morality. From the final point where it says, politics, political power and good of way, tin not be separated. But this is in Heaven's good to be good, derived from the good Heaven. From this viewpoint, realistic, humane politics and political power should be to serve the people's lives and their survival as the meter of worth. anyone political system and administration ought be subject to this kinds of good. On the surface, human subsistence is the lowest of human goals. In pith, it is the highest goal and the final goodness of mankind. Therefore, entire human beings ought be subject to this goal of administration. In this globe, Nothing human survival and life was extra invaluable. human existence has its special value, its excellence and refinement to anybody animal and plant can not be compared. human existence is not just a easy life, retain, and is to nourish the life and self-respect of the amplified presence. Confucius: I also base and ratified, human survival, and its magnificent values ​​of life has its place. I: All animals and plants are Heaven's institution, attention should be human. Meanwhile, alter people and most animals, the first man can not live the same life Ice Age always, but merely in the continuous improvement and increasingly affluent life can survive. people and its various units only in the dual encounter the social and natural environment meantime , but also skillful to adjust to accustom to the fashionable context in the form to survive. adapt to the fashionable environment at the formation of the re-adaptation, this cyclical process is not ample, and showed a trend of acceleration. The more the speed of human adaptation to the environment hasty emerging new environment the faster, and a challenge to human survival. expansion of the maintenance of human life that human beings only in a often improving the alive conditions in array to survive. life is the greatest value, is also the largest good, not necessary for the survival and the freedom to speak of any additional good. Confucius: What Is the power can not be secondhand to Ganhao Shi? I think that political power is a good thing, no political power can not be fulfilled great reason. If the political power and monarch and Yin Wang matrimony be able to build unprecedented brilliance. I: the power that can be accustomed both Ganhao Shi also be used to do wrong asset but more probable to be used to do wrong things. power easily be abused, be used to satisfy the desires of those in power. all the powers which that coerce is the most hazardous, behind the talk. We can not certify that each politician does not violate Heaven, so power is leap to,shanghai massage, in altering degrees be vicious use. I tension the answer to Heaven, inaction, for political power is a natural proclivity to evil. amount of a political order, a system of administration, a government, a ruling team, whether it is Heaven, Heaven is responsive, that depends ashore its ability to effectively limit the political power, political power can mainly prevent the onset, abuse, flooding. The measure of a system of government, a government, a verdict group, prefer than observing how much they have done magnificent good, does not it They worked and how much, how bad things; not only look by what they do, they did not do more to see. did not do good things not sinful, did bad on the huge sin. ten moralities are not value a bad entity. the worst of the political, is completely ignoring the political power and the governors of the evil side of human nature in pursuit of the grand blueprint Sheng Shiwei the titular uncontrolled accumulation of political power indulgence. Confucius: Heaven is too abstract. there is everything more specific, operational scale it? I: a good society is always prepared to acknowledge and defend the human right to life and, accordingly, placed man desires to legitimate reason for being. an evil society seems ready to reject recognition of the lust, and accordingly does not recognize the people's right to exist. In non-democratic countries, personal survival and survival is constantly muddled with the government, and, behind the theft of a right to life is constantly the name of the sometime to suppress the right to life, deprived of a right to exist ahead. The fundamental scale of good and evil is the static, the action of the specific array almost Heaven Heaven lavish twenty-seventh chapter of tea, then good
political power of evil?
Liu Junning
Confucius: some the learn of philosophy and intellectual history of folk favor me with our contemporaries than Aristotle, Athens. regardless of whether there namely comparability between us, yet for his entirely convinced. He said, folk are basically good, destined required crown. Man namely a political beast, destined apt lead a political life, and thus to build countries, intentions to create nations chase the maximum good manufacture. I likewise muse that person nature The good, I maximum want to watch is the harmonious, pleasant people's political location. I would like to query the question: the pursuit of good karma as the political and politics itself what is the relationship of good and malign or no? from the good in human ecology to open up Good politics do?
I: This is a good question, but also a discussion to argue with endless problems. I also want to see the harmonious livelihood of the people live and work. But, I drive people with political power to pursue the so-called highest good industry is very reserved. particularly opposed to mobilize the desperate pursuit of utopian good karma. In fact, by not pursue to the highest political good industry. because of political in the hands of the political hands of the state power of evil side. State to pursue the higher good karma, needs to focus and use the more political power, political power may be released from the more the greater evil.
say, man is a limited exist. does not completely change themselves and the nature of people do not mate up good karma. If the people themselves completely changed its nature, people are not people. his people are not human, not as simply throw away the so-called tall good karma. I hold a negate outlook of politics, whether a system of government, a government can avoid a meaningful evil, that is the most good, but the. a political intention is not to pursue the good, avoid evil. to do this is a good form of government , good government!
with the environment as people (human condition) and change. governing the country, to follow the almost heaven, in accord with nature, do not focus on, not off phase, good people and bad people who have the same survival value, not to divide people by class. I said before, power is the antithesis of freedom. Therefore, the fundamental political philosophy can be divided into two types: one is done the power of the rulers of philosophy, one is done free of individual philosophy. The former philosophy may sometimes be frank about freedom, but its position was on the side of power, the freedom of the individual subject to the requirements of the power of the ruler. After a philosophy does not completely rule out the power, but its position is standing free side, requiring the freedom of political power for personal services. The former is a departure from the political philosophy of Heaven,toronto escorts, which is in line with the political philosophy of Heaven. The former is the evil political philosophy, political philosophy which is good. about politics, political philosophy can not not speak of good and evil, and whether the response to Heaven, is conducive to the survival and freedom of every person, is to determine the political, government and political philosophy is good or evil Fuji scale! Heaven Chapters of twenty-seven good deeds, no rut ; good words, flawless Exile; good number, do not raise policy; good closure, independent of Kin and can not open; good knot, Cordless about the unsolvable. The wise are always good to save people, so that none is abandoned; always good at saving things, so nothing is thrown away substance. is that the attack out. Gushan others, poor people of the division; poor people who, good man of the capital. not that expensive of its division, does not love its capital, although intellectual big fan, is that to be better. good way of man, not The track will be left back; good eloquent, his words perfect. people who are good at planning, do not count chips, is good at possession of the person, others are not locked open. good bound and, unnecessary to rope other people could not undo . proper way of government aid to everyone, so no one will be abandoned; care of every thing, there is no attribute to lose its value. This is because the light was Heaven. Gushan those who are poor teachers, poor person is Kam Shan's capital. do not respect their teachers, not sparing the capital Kam, seemingly small smart real big on me. This is an important Miaojue. original, published in Business Week
Confucius: My consistent view is that those who has been proved to be the ruler of saints, we should be lots of political empowerment, which can achieve good business world. You say that, political power is an evil, and good industry is conflicting. Why?
I: Instead of Confucianism with you, I just believe that political power is not good, but a necessary evil. Although in order to maintain social order, political power is necessity to set up and use, but on the other hand, for those in power is , the power to obtain money is not only a tool, but it is more a tool for greater power, with lusty capability and expansion of forgery. powers of the evil side of nature that has the power's role is to be forced on others . force is the antithesis of freedom. is bound to stand in the way of compulsory freedom, stand in the way of survival. no matter what form of government, the government will make faults; in the bad form of government, political power is more vulnerable to malicious use. Therefore, power as small as feasible, use as little as possible power! So, no country should be by focusing on the expansion and abuse of political power to achieve a political blueprint. This is very dangerous, and often destructive the. Besides, if people live to be subject to all the rulers of the political blueprint, it is unlikely that you expect will emerge stronger from the situation of the people jolly.
with the person with the environment (human condition) of change. governing the nation, to emulate the almost heaven, in accord with nature, do not focus on, not off phase, good man and the poor people have equal survival value, not to separate people by level. I said before, power is free inverse side. Therefore, the fundamental political philosophy can be divided into two: one is the power of the rulers done philosophy, a philosophy of individual freedom is done. The former may occasionally not avert philosophical freedom, but its position is the station in the power side, subject to the requirements of the freedom of the individual powers of the ruler. After a philosophy does not completely rule out the power, but its location is standing on the side of freedom, requires the freedom of political power for personal services. The former is a political departure from Heaven philosophy, which is in line with the political philosophy of Heaven. The former is the evil political philosophy, political philosophy which is good. about politics, political philosophy, can not not speak of good and evil, and whether the response to Heaven, whether it is profitable for everybody survival and freedom, is to resolve the political, government and political philosophy is good or evil Fuji scale! Heaven Chapters of twenty-seven good actions, no rut; truthfulness, flawless Exile; good digit, do not heave plan; good closure, independent of Kin and can not open; good node, Cordless about the unsolvable. The wise are always good to retention people, so that nobody is abandoned; always good at saving things, so nothing is thrown away. is that the attack out. Gushan others, poor people of the division; poor people who, good man of the capital. not that valuable of its department, does not love its chief, however intellectual big fan, is that to be better. good direction of man, do not depart the line alley; good eloquent, his words absolute. people who are good at intending , do not calculate pieces, is good at Tibetan people, others do not bolt open. good people bound, do not rope people could not untie. governmental support every appropriate path, so no one will be neglected; care Every thing, no matter lose its value. This is because the light was Heaven. Gushan those who are poor instructors, poor funding of those who are good Kam. do not adore their teachers, not economical the capital Kam, see real big like confused little smart. This is an important Miaojue. aboriginal, issued in Business Week
Confucius: you oppose the use of political power to the pursuit of good karma, it sounds reasonable. So, is political and political power with good isolation open? Do not pursue the political good? No pursuit of good political, more boring ah? between a lifeless planet, they will just wonder the state has nothing to do with morality. From somewhere close to that political , of course, political power and the good are inseparable. but this is in Heaven's good to be good, derived from the Heaven's good. From this perspective, realistic, humane politics and political power should be to serve human life and its existence as a measure of value. any political system and government should be subject to such good. On the surface, human existence is the lowest of human goals. In essence, it is the highest goal and the ultimate human the good. Therefore, all human beings should be subject to this goal of government. In this world, nothing more than human survival and life was more precious. human existence has its special value, its excellence and elegance to any Animals and plants can not be compared. human existence is not just a simple life, maintain, and expand the maintenance of life and dignity of existence. Confucius: I also found and approved, human survival, the value of life has its noble Department. I: All animals and plants are Heaven's creation, care should be human. Meanwhile, different people and most animals, the first man can not live the same life from generation to generation forever,toronto asian escort, but only in the continuous improvement of the lives of more affluent in order to survive. people and its various units only in the dual meet the social and natural environment, and able to adapt to the formation in the adaptation to the new environment to survive. from the environment to adapt to the new formation to re-adapt to this cycle reciprocating process is never enough, and showed a trend of acceleration. human adaptation to the environment, the faster, the new environment has the faster, and the challenge of human survival. to expand the maintenance of human life that human beings only A constantly improving the living conditions to survive. survival is the greatest value, is the greatest good, not necessary for survival and freedom, to speak of any other good. Confucius: the power to do that can not be to Ganhao Shi? I think the political power is a good thing, no political power, they can not achieve intent enterprise. If the political power and marriage monarch and good throne, be able to create unprecedented brilliance. I: the power can be used both Ganhao Shi, can also be used to do bad things, but more likely to be used to do bad things. power very easily be abused, be used to satisfy the desires of those in power. all the powers which that force is the most dangerous, after the talk. We can not guarantee that every politician does not violate Heaven, so power is bound to, in varying degrees, to be vicious to use. I stress the response to Heaven, inaction, because political power is a natural tendency to evil. measure of a political order, a system of government, a government, a ruling group, whether it is Heaven, Heaven is responsive, is to see whether it can effectively limit the political power, political power can effectively prevent the attack, damage, flooding. measure of a system of government, a government, a ruling group, rather than observing how much they have done great good to see they did not like how much, how bad things; not only look at what they do, they did not do more to see. did not do good is not sin, sin on the big bad things done. ten virtues are not worth a bad thing. the worst of politics is completely ignoring the political power and the rulers of the evil side of human nature in pursuit of the grand blueprint of the nominal uncontrolled Sheng Shiwei to accumulate political power indulgence. Confucius: Heaven is too abstract. there is anything more specific, operational scale it? I: a good society is always ready to recognize and protect the human right to life and, therefore, placed man desires legitimate reason to exist. a social evil is always arranged to nay to recognize the desires of people, so do not recognize people's right to exist. In non-democratic countries, personal survival and survival is often confused with the government, and the latter right to existence right to life is often stolen in the name of the former to suppress, denied a right to exist before. good and evil, the fundamental scale is static, the specific transport
I: from a little further where it says, good and evil as a kinds of moral conceptions, the fundamental prelude of its existence and human life is their significant league occurred. any person and the things associated with survival does not occur or perform in the strict sense, both demand to be good or evil. If Sun will work with the earth upon the collision of human life and will lead the gas into the earth, then everyone in the studying of the news will be unanimously yelled that: field in the solar system other than the collision of two non-life between the planet, they will just wonder the state has nothing to do with morality.
said from elsewhere approach, politics, political power and good of course, can not be separated . But the good must be consistent with good Heaven, Heaven derived from the good. From this perspective, realistic, humane politics and political power should be to serve the survival of human life and for the value scale. any political system and government should be subject to such good. On the surface, human existence is the lowest of human goals. In essence, it is the highest goal and the ultimate goodness of mankind. Therefore, all human polity should be subject to this goal. in this world, nothing more than human survival and life was more precious. human existence has its special value, its excellence and elegance to any animal and plant can not be compared. people Life is not just the simple presence of the maintenance and expansion of the maintenance of life and dignity of existence.
with the person with the environment (human condition) and change. governing the country, to follow the almost heaven, follow nature , do not focus on, not off phase, good man and poor people have equal survival value, not to divide people by class. I said before, power is the antithesis of freedom. Therefore, the fundamental political philosophy can be divided into two types: One is the power of the rulers done philosophy, a philosophy of individual freedom is done. The former may sometimes not avoid philosophical freedom, but its position is standing on the side of power, the freedom of the individual subject to the requirements of the power of the ruler. The latter does not completely rule out the power of philosophy, but its position is standing on the side of freedom, requires the freedom of political power for personal services. The former is a departure from the political philosophy of Heaven, which is in line with the political philosophy of Heaven. The former is evil political philosophy, political philosophy which is good. about politics,beijing escort, political philosophy, can not not speak of good and evil, and whether the response to Heaven, is conducive to the survival and freedom of each person is decided politics, government and political philosophy, it is good Fuji evil scale! Heaven Chapters of twenty-seven good deeds, no rut; truthfulness, flawless Exile; good number, do not raise policy; good closure, independent of Kin and can not open; good knot, Cordless about the unsolvable. is wise are always good to save people, so that none is abandoned; always good at saving things, so nothing is thrown away. is that the attack out. Gushan others, poor people of the division; poor people who, good man of the capital. not that expensive of its divisions, do not love their funding Although the intellectual big fan, is that to be better. good way of man, do not leave the line track; good eloquent, his words perfect. people who are good at planning, do not count chips, is good at possession of the people, do not lock people also open. good people bound, do not rope people could not undo. governmental aid every proper way, so no one will be abandoned; love every thing, no matter lose its value. This is because may Heaven's light. Gushan those who are poor teachers, poor funding of those who are good Kam. do not respect their teachers, not sparing the capital Kam, seemingly small smart real big on me. This is an important Miaojue. original Confucius
published in Business Week: I have found and approved, human survival, and its noble values ​​of life has its place.
I: All animals and plants are Heaven's creation, care should be human. Meanwhile man and most animals is different from the first generations of people can not always live the same life, but only in the continuous improvement and increasingly affluent life can survive. people and its various units only in the dual meet the social and natural environment the same period, able to adapt to adapt to the new environment in the form to survive. from the adaptation to the new form to re-adapt to the environment, this cyclical process is never enough, and showed the acceleration of the trend. the speed of human adaptation to the environment The faster the speed of the new environment has the faster, and a challenge to human survival. expansion of the maintenance of human life that human beings only in a constantly improving the living conditions in order to survive. life is the greatest value, but also greatest good, and not necessary for the survival and the freedom to speak of any other good.
Confucius: Is the power that can not be used to Ganhao Shi? I think that political power is a good thing, no political power , we can not achieve ambitious undertaking. If the political power and marriage monarch and good king, be able to create unprecedented brilliance. between a lifeless planet, they will just wonder the state has nothing to do with morality. From the last point where he says, politics, political power and good of course, can not be separated. But the good must be consistent with good Heaven, Heaven derived from the good. From this perspective, realistic, humane politics and political power are should be at the service of life and its survival as the measure of value. any political system and government should be subject to such good. On the surface, human existence is the lowest of human goals. In essence, it is also the highest goal and the ultimate goodness of mankind. Therefore, the human form of government should be subject to all of this goal. in this world, nothing more than human survival and life was more precious. human existence has its special value, its superior and noble of any animal and plant can not be compared. human existence is not just a simple life, maintain, and expand the maintenance of life and dignity of existence. Confucius: I also found and approved, human survival, the value of their lives has a noble place. I: All animals and plants are Heaven's creation, care should be human. Meanwhile, different people and most animals, the first generations of people can not always live the same life, but only in constant improvement, increasingly affluent life can survive. people and its various units to adapt to social and natural only in the dual environment, and able to adapt to adapt to the new environment in the form to survive. by the formation of a new environment to adapt to adapt to the re- This cyclical process is never enough, and showed the acceleration of the trend. human adaptation to the environment, the faster, the new environment has the faster, and a challenge to human survival. the maintenance of human life means to expand human beings only in a constantly improving the living conditions to survive. survival is the greatest value, is also the greatest good, and not necessary for the survival and the freedom to speak of any other good. Confucius: What Is Power can not be used to Ganhao Shi? I think that political power is a good thing, no political power, they can not achieve ambitious undertaking. If the political power with the monarch and Yin Wang marriage, be able to create unprecedented brilliance. I: power only can be used to Ganhao Shi, can also be used to do bad things, but more likely to be used to do bad things. power very easily be abused, be used to satisfy the desires of those in power. all the powers which that force is the most dangerous, after talk. We can not guarantee that every politician does not violate Heaven, so power is bound to, in varying degrees, to be vicious to use. I stress the response to Heaven, inaction, because political power is a natural tendency to evil. measure of a political order, a system of government, a government, a ruling group, whether it is Heaven, Heaven is responsive, is to see whether it can effectively limit the political power, political power can effectively prevent the attack, damage, flooding. The measure of a system of government, a government, a ruling group, rather than observing how much they have done great good, not as much to see if they did, how bad things; not only look at what they do, they did not do more to see. not a sin not to do good, did a bad thing on the big sin. ten virtues are not worth a bad thing. the worst of politics is completely ignoring the political power and the rulers of the evil side of human nature in pursuit of a grand blueprint Sheng Shiwei industry in the name of uncontrolled accumulation of political power indulgence. Confucius: Heaven is too abstract. there is anything more specific, operational scale it? I: a good society is always ready to recognize and protect the human right to life and, therefore, legitimate desire to place human reason to exist. an evil society seems ready to reject recognition of the desire, so do not recognize people's right to exist. In non-democratic countries, personal survival and survival is often confused with the government, and , the latter a right to existence right to life is often stolen in the name of the former to suppress, denied a right to exist before. good and evil, the fundamental scale is static, the specific transport
I: the power not only can be used to Ganhao Shi can also be used to do bad things, but more threaten to be used to do bad things. power very easily be abused, be used to satisfy the desires of those in power. all the powers which that force is the most dangerous, after the talk. We can not guarantee Heaven is not violated every statesman, so power is destined to, will be used to varying degrees, been vicious.
I stress response to Heaven, inaction, because political power is a natural tendency to evil. measure a political order, a system of government, a government, a ruling group, whether it is Heaven, Heaven is responsive, is to see whether it can effectively limit the political power, political power can effectively prevent the attack, damage, flooding. a measure of a regime , a government, a ruling group, rather than observing how much they have done great good to see they did not like how much, how bad things; not only look at what they do, they did not do more to see. did not do good is not a sin, did bad on the big sin. ten virtues are not worth a bad thing. the worst of politics is completely ignoring the political power and the rulers of the evil side of human nature in pursuit of the grand blueprint of the nominal non-Sheng Shiwei unrestrained accumulation of political power indulgence.
Confucius: Heaven is too abstract. there is anything more specific, operational more and more?
I: a good society is always ready to recognize and protect the right to life and, therefore, placed man desires to legitimate reason for being. an evil society seems ready to reject recognition of the desire, so do not recognize people's right to exist. In non-democratic countries, personal survival is often confused with the right to life up, and, after the theft of a right to life is often the name of the former to suppress the right to life, deprived of a right to exist before. the fundamental scale of good and evil is static, the use of specific habitat, along with the people (human condition) 的change. governing the country, to follow the almost heaven, in accord with nature, do not focus on, not off phase, good man and the poor people have equal survival value, not to divide people by class.
I said before, the power is the antithesis of freedom. Therefore, the fundamental political philosophy can be divided into two types: one is done the power of the rulers of philosophy, a philosophy of individual freedom is done. The former may sometimes not avoid philosophical freedom, but its position is standing on the side of power, the freedom of the individual subject to the requirements of the power of the ruler. After a philosophy does not completely rule out the power, but its position is standing on the side of freedom, requires the freedom of political power for personal services. The former is a departure from the Heaven's political philosophy, which is in line with the political philosophy of Heaven. The former is the evil political philosophy, political philosophy which is good. about politics, political philosophy, can not not speak of good and evil, and whether the response to Heaven, whether it is conducive each person's life and freedom, is to determine the political, government and political philosophy is good or evil Fuji scale!
Heaven Heaven Tea liberal of the Series, then Chapter XXVII why the power of good politics is evil? Liu Junning Confucius: Some studies of philosophy and intellectual history of the people like me with our contemporaries than Aristotle, Athens. regardless of whether there is comparability between us, but for his I am completely convinced. He said that people are basically good, destined essential crown. Man is a political animal, destined to lead a political life, and thus to build nations, aims to build nations pursue the highest good industry. I also believe that people are basically good, I most want to see is the harmonious political situation of the people jolly. I would like to ask the question: the pursuit of good karma, as the political and the political itself, what is the relationship of good and evil or not? from the good of humanity good to open up politics in it? I: This is a good answer, but also a debate to discuss with endless problems. I also want to see the harmonious sustenance of the people live and work. But, I steer people with political power to pursue the so-called highest good industry is very reserved. particularly contrary to organize the desperate pursuit of utopian good karma. In truth, by not pursue to the highest political good industry. because of political in the hands of the political hands of the state power of evil side. State to pursue the higher good karma, needs to focus and use the more political power, political power may be released from the evil in the more greater. Then repeatedly, who is a limited existence. not completely change the nature of itself and its people, who do not match up good karma. If the people themselves completely changed its nature, people are not people. his people are not human, not as simply throw away what has been cried the highest good industry. I hold a negative view of politics, if a system of government, a government can avoid a significant evil, that is the most good, but the. a political purpose is not to pursue the good, avoid evil. to do this is a good system of government, good government ! Confucius: My consistent view is that those who have yet been testified to be the ruler of angels, we should be lots of political empowerment, which can achieve good commerce world. You say that, political power is an evil, and good industry is conflicting. Why? I: Instead of Confucianism with you, I just believe that political power is not good, but a necessary evil. Although in order to maintain social order, political power is essential to set up and use, but in the other On one hand, those in power, the power of that money is not only a tool, but it is more a tool for greater power, with strong capacity and expansion of propagating. power by nature with the evil side of the power role is to be forced on others. force is the antithesis of freedom. is bound to stand in the way of compulsory freedom, stand in the way of survival. no matter what form of government, the government will make mistakes; in the bad form of government, political power is more vulnerable to malicious use. Therefore, the smaller the better power, the power of the usefulness of as little as possible! So, no country should be by focusing on the expansion and abuse of political power to achieve a political blueprint. This is a very dangerous and often disastrous. Besides, if people live to be subject to all the rulers of the political blueprint, it is unlikely that you expect will emerge stronger from the situation of the people jolly. Confucius: you disapprove the use of political power to pursue good business, it sounds rational. So, is political and political power and goodness can be separated? Do not pursue the political good? No pursuit of good political, more boring ah? I: From the far places said, good and evil as a moral concept, the fundamental premise of its existence and human life is their significant association occurred. any person and the things associated with survival does not occur or act in the strict sense is not accurate a good or evil. If the sun will work with the earth above the collision of human life and will lead the gas into the earth, then everyone in the knowledge of the news will be unanimously exclaimed that: Disaster. not open; good knot, Cordless about the unsolvable. is ...Topics related articles:

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