Thursday, April 28, 2011

namely cultural atmosphere

Users want to write an ardent letter from the relevant departments of Guangdong Province, written by genuine, my friends look at it, we can make it to the Web site forums, Guangdong Province
Hello , Thank you for your busy timetable to read from a letter from a personal voluntary organizations.
Guangdong is a beautiful location, it is the southernmost tip of the beautiful southern country girl. She Tianbao, conspicuous people. the number of normal scenery, Her matchless position to let her beauty lonely, Baiyun Mountain, and West Lake, Hangzhou's West Lake Yingzhou Lake saying, Daya Bay attractions, beautiful; of historical accumulation, starting from the pre-Qin, hard-working people in Guangzhou alone the nature of adore land, the establishment's own history, from the early Han Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty set Panyu Guangzhou Explorer House, to the Qing Dynasty in Guangdong Province, subject to the jurisdiction of both the Governor of Guangdong empire is contested. about heritage He has South Vietnam Culture King,shanghai escort, Lin cloud pond, Kang House, sometime address of Liang, the ACFTU site, Huanghuagang seventy-two Martyrs, the sometime dwelling of Ye Ting account goes on; that cultural atmosphere,beijing massage, there are value hearing a hundred of the Opera , Chaozhou, Han Ju, a nationally renowned Zhongshan University, South China University, Jinan University, Shenzhen University..
But when it comes Guangzhou diet, I calculate we are emotion a lot. Here, we can eat palatable butter crab, Guangzhou appoint points salty pancakes. However, in some specialties there, but it has the raw matters we do not absence to look, case in point, cats. For sample, dogs. For sample, wildlife treasure.
2008, in the quondam , we ushered in the Olympic Games has preoccupied worldwide care, and the joint exertions of always success, although, the year of 2008 is not a law-abiding, freezing rain and sleet disaster, Wenchuan - the territory of the solemn earthquake in Sichuan We surmount base in Guangdong - the southernmost provinces, with their generous blood, Cantonese-style patriotic style conveying a great digit of disaster relief supplies, sent to the southern tip of pure feeling. National People's Guangdong the air and touched, and for Guangdong's a laborious one, P Plus advocate and grateful. Guangdong, once repeatedly we saw the province's economic reform and prologue up the strength and success of reform and opening-up policy. When countries have trouble, Guangdong Guangdong people are always rushed in the front, allowing the nation to remember the people afresh and again in Guangdong.
But let us also remember that in Guangdong, there's one thing we want to know - is the diet , distinguished leadership, we is with how uncomfortable feeling to jot to you, we are terrified of you see this line put the letter aside, are we fearful of you see this line says that we deliberately aggressive. But we want to Please hear to us who come from bring offthe country's Experience the delight of infancy body, purify the mind. We bear to see them hurt, on the roadside to see stray animals, we will shed tears, tears will send them home. distinguished leadership, we urge you to read this letter, to this cat who achieved the letter with tears.
If you peruse the letter, we 1st look by some definitions: pets, companion pets.
Pets : traditional pet namely the possessor as enjoying, associate beasts, yet likewise means someone special preference. But with the progress of society, today's caress is defined as: because outlooking, companionship, relieve the accentuate of factories and animals alternatively folk other items. pets is namely folk are not as economic purposes, but to the morale of the intention of fed animals and plants. English: caress. He is rich and colorful category, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish, insects , plants, and so above. Among the many pets, was a universal people mammal propagating cats and dogs.
companion animals, the International Fund for Animal Welfare believes that the mutation of cats and dogs after a long evolution, have left nature of the food chain, no longer exists in the ecological balance within the animal is appropriate for the human home, widespread in people's lives, work. in a diplomatic country, the new trend is cried cats and dogs as companion animals, reflecting their The character of human society.
As you understand, cats and dogs in human life has been occupied this important situation, but also hate the old man one daytime, so it was a large number of stray animals. their daily is eating garbage to survive, the body ambition be residues of a large number of bacteria. and even some cats ambition arise with the mad cow disease in vivo-related diseases - feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE), such as viruses like crazy cow ailment can reason central nervous system, a serious disorder, whether humans eat the feline, ambition be infected with the disease. crazy cow disease is not spread along other means, unless you eat his flesh, mad cat disease as well. so. in the traditional sense cat beef, dog meat is maintaining, particularly in winter eat cats, dog, will be extra maintaining, really wrong. Some medicinal experts point out that eating the cats belong to a single animal,shanghai escort, eating leftovers, and students fish, crabs and rats, so a tall rate of parasitic infection. such as paragonimiasis, toxoplasmosis, even now cooked cat meat is not cozy to annihilate. and rabies, mad cow disease, and hemorrhagic fever in mice may also convert infected cats. Meanwhile a large number of pathogens cat feces, such as the massacre of non-standard meat may be contaminated to cause food poisoning,likewise and I am the Cold War, people will not melodrama later eating maintaining effect, but have not seen prone to fashionable infectious diseases.
Now, there are many hotels in Guangzhou, the food stalls in the sale of dog meat,beijing massage, cat meat, the meat of nameless origin, without prim quarantine and quarantine ministries - of course, the regular quarantine and quarantine divisions will not, because there are not among the range of work . into the mall, there is leap to this security risk, we do not know these cats, dogs will be with what variety of disease, but we know that, even rabies, they do not touch them, we would not be infected. Also, a large number of cats and dogs creature eaten, but also makes a number of unscrupulous merchants secondhand a kind of underhanded strategy to get sources, these sources, you may have received and our family stray kids, they finally get rid of a vagrant life, been caught these people, and package a nice hook on the bamboo cage, mobbed. They are at home we're quite used to kid, ah, crash the vase even knock the child is not compliant to ah. But today, they work to the text to be put blood on board, knocked senseless with a wooden mallet brain disappear into the boiling water in the cilia, peel stripping hh
maybe, who do not like cats, dogs, people to speaking, they are just animals, but for our portion, they are our children, relatives, and even beyond than the pro-family. they can understand our feelings, to know when we need comfort, when you need calm, They might even shown us the way to survive. So, we are all used to adore our lives, now, approximately to have animals.
we do not want to ask you everything, we just want you to play your right hand to Under these innocent lives, but also for your children to safety in the food good pass, looking behind, the 2003 SARS but also because one animal that does not guide to it? According to August 24, 2003 Xinhua reported on , in the year to 23 June 8459 cumulative SARS patients worldwide who absolute 805 SARS patients died. file back martial law was the country, the country on high alert, high traction, when the masks, disinfectant's in the absnece of, present economic downturn, when the distance among people, when the entry was postponed, then the marrying was postponed a number of new people, and then some people a lifetime to be separately of life and necrosis period.
we do not want to let history repeat itself, we also We do not want to misrepresent the picture of Guangzhou, a pretty idea. discriminated leading, we now report our attitude to you immature, hoping to obtain your attention, we do not expect that things will be more speedily decided, we will Guangzhou period, at the end of the day, Rome was not built in a day. But we really look inward to a satisfactory solution to the matter.
all members of the National Prevention of Cruelty to pet organizations
2008 年 12 月 16 日

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