Thursday, April 28, 2011

63. give precedence apt priority

1. Urbanization urbanization ,shenzhen massage
2. Centralization centralization
3. Imbalance imbalance
4. In the long flee the long run
5. Infrastructure infrastructure
6. Booming boom development
7. tertiary manufacture tertiary industry
8. tranquility quiet
9. revenue tax
10. commercialization commercialization
11. vehicle congestion congestion
12. water rarity water absences
13. the environmentalpollution environmental pollution
14. over-industrialization over industrialized
15. over-crowdedness overcrowding
16. unemployment unemployment
17. wealth delivery wealth distribution
18. social instability of social turmoil
19. urban construction of urban construction
20. population outbreak population explosion
21. a rising crime rate rise in crime
22. drain of vigor and resources of vigor and resource consumption
23. attempt more job opportunities to invest more employ opportunities
24. a fast pace of life hasty life
25. stress-related cancers and stress-related diseases
26. high cost of living the lofty price of living
27. pastoral life rustic life
28. level polarization of level polarization
29. social welfare social welfare
30. give special care to h to give special attention
h 31. urban sprawl urban sprawl
32. convenient transportation means convenient transport
33. better therapeutic services and better therapeutic services
34. pressure of modern life in city urban life accentuate
35. be vulnerable to h easy to suffer from h
36. melting pot furnace
37. on the brink of h is h edge
38. pollutant polluting materials
39. waste disposal waste disposal
40. put the blame on h attributed to h
41. be attributable to h attributed to h
42. ways of consumption expense
43. suffer heavy losses suffered heavy losses
44. inhabitant residents
45. be confronted withh face h
46. propagate crimes breeding ground for crime
47. vicious wheel vicious cycle
48. a feasible measure of a possible measures to
49. give precedence to h precedence h
50. city planners urban planners
51. endanger social stabilityand safety and impair social reliability and security
52. save resource savings
53. flourishing prosperity
54 . more and more pile up
55. relieve the pressure ofh h ease the pressure on
56. advocate the management of resources advocacy resource management
57. behalf from benefit from
58. put amenable expensive proposals for their valuable proposed
59. play a major role in easing traffic in alleviating traffic pressure plays one essential role in
60. participate in the reconstructionof the city in urban renaissance
61. raise the environmental management level to cultivate environmental management
62. establish a agreeable ecological environment to build a agreeable ecological environment
63. give priority to priority
64. catch many consideration has aroused excellent care
65. resource allocation resource allocation < br> 66. perfect the construction of urban infrastructure improvement of urban infrastructure
67. reduce the number of vehicles to reduce vehicle
68. appliance strict conveyance eruption standards strict vehicle emission standards
69. dwindle consume reduce waste from: Test great
70. exclude penury and backwardness to exclude privation and backwardness
71. discourage and control pollution prevention and control of pollution
72. strengthen the conservation of water and taint to promote soil and water conservation
73. keep ecological balance and maintaining ecological poise
74. adopt environmental conservation technique to environmental technology
75. create a healthy cultural environment to create a healthier mores
76. reinforce the norm and monitoring to reinforce supervision and management
77. enhance the administrative intrusion to increase government intervention measures
78. promote legislative regulations as the Legislative Management
79. establish and faultless the social security system to establish and faultless the social security system
80. give special care to give somebody or someone special attention
81. Map out (go out) a chart of h h,subserve healthy folk ambition concerns ahead. In the {elapse|quofolkpeople are there to remedy dis,shenzhen escort, amplify a chart for the development
82. impose some restrictions on the restriction of h
83. Increase the inputs in h h amplify investment in
84. arouse peoplers awareness of awakened feeling of the people h
85. take some prevention (remedial) measures to take some prevention (remedial) measures < br> 86. enforce on-the-spot penalties apt take immediate punitive fathom
87. activity the character of media to play a full role of the media
88. take proper guidance and patronize to take fitting guidance and advocate
89. impose heavier penalty aboard the implementation of rigid penalties on h
90. set down effective decrees to develop affirmative and effective legal
91. urban arranging urban intending Source: Tai
examination IELTS exercising Qingdao Lang Lang House Court IELTS Training IELTS training school in Qingdao Longre IELTS education
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